I’m pleased to make available my first attempt at building an online database! “The Sisters of Prémontré: A Prosopographical Database” makes searchable (by name, role, community, and circary) the biographical information that I’ve gathered about more than 400 Premonstratensian sisters over the course of my research. These women belonged to communities in what are now France and Belgium between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries.
Given the nature of the surviving sourcebase, this is neither an exhaustive database nor a statistically representative sample. However, I hope that even though the information about each individual woman may be scant, bringing each piece of information together can facilitate further study into their collective lives.
If you’ve got additional information about Premonstratensian sisters that you would like me to add, or if you find an issue with the database (again: my very first attempt!), please drop me a comment below.
With thanks to my former research assistants Ali Coggins and Matt Burley for their help with data entry and wrangling!